Blender Noise Texture Node

Particle color sources particle age.
Blender noise texture node. Particle speed absolute magnitude of velocity mapped as 0 0 1 0 intensity. The voronoi texture node adds a procedural texture producing a voronoi patterns. Voronoi patterns are generated by randomly distributing points called seeds that are extended outward into regions called cells with bounds determined by distances to other points. The output number ranges between zero and one.
Maps the image to the six sides of a virtual box based on the normal using xy yz and xyz coordinates depending on the side. Projection to use for mapping the textures. Which attribute of the particle system or mesh is used to color the output. Remaps the procedural texture with these colors.
Depending on the dimensions property. The seed can be a number a 2d vector a 3d vector or a 4d vector. Texture coordinate to sample texture at. Method to scale images up or down for rendering.
These do not function in the magic node. The image texture is used to add an image file as a texture. Scale of the texture. Texture nodes these nodes generate procedural textures and function just like their non node based counterparts.
The white noise texture node returns a random number based on an input seed. The noise texture is used to add procedural perlin noise texture similar to the clouds texture in blender internal. The musgrave texture node evaluates a fractal perlin noise at the input texture coordinates. The dimensions of the texture holding the point data.